In the line of “Antichi Giochi”, that means “Old Games”, we have created a marriage between Piedmont traditional sports and old indigenous grapes of our region. Indeed it’s a passion, preserve old variety of grapes or clones, that has always seen us engaged.
Today, we can say that this is the philosophy that characterizes many of our wines. All started around 30 years ago, with the vinification of Chardonnay in barrels of 2,500 Listers of local acacia wood. Continued with the production of Passito made with just Barbera grapes and in 2000 with the vineyard “Ornella” replanted with a clonal selection got from the 100 years old vineyard that there was before.
At begin of 2010, started our research of two disappeared grapes, possibly one white and the other one red, with interesting features in order to get very high quality wines. Our choice was “Slarina” for the red wine and “Baratuciàt” for the white. In 2016 we planted the first vineyard of Slarina and in 2019 the first of Baratuciàt. Contextually at these two projects, with others 9 producers, we made up the association “Monferace”, where we want reintroduce Grignolino aged at least 40 months, whose 24 in wood, as it was already at the begin of 1900s when this wine was deemed at same level of the best Nebbiolo.